Friday, August 31, 2012

contribution margin format income statement.

contribution margin format income statement.

Masers A. Q. Asem Private Ltd

Contribution Margin Income Statement

For the month of-------------

Total Per Unit

Sales (350 Units) $87,500 $250

Less variable expenses 52,500 150

--------- ---------

Contribution margin 35,000 $100

Less fixed expenses 35,000 ======


Net operating profit $0


Note that the break even is the level of sales at which profit is ZERO.

Once the break even point has been reached, net income will increase by unit contribution margin by each additional unit sold. For example, if 351 units are sold during the period then we can expect that the net income for the month will be $100, since the company will have sold 1 unit more than the number needed to break even. This is explained by the following contribution margin income statement.

Masers A. Q. Asem Private Ltd

Contribution Margin Income Statement

For the month of-------------

Total Per Unit

Sales (351 Units) $87,750 $250

Less Variable expenses 52,500 150

---------- ----------

Contribution margin 35,100 100

Less fixed expenses 35,000 ======


Net operating loss $100


If 352 units are sold then we can expect that net operating income for the period will be $200 and so forth. To know what the profit will be at various levels of activity, therefore, manager do not need to prepare a whole series of income statements. To estimate the profit at any point above the break even point, the manager can simply take the number of units to be sold above the breakeven and multiply that number by the unit contribution margin. The result represents the anticipated profit for the period. Or to estimate the effect of a planned increase in sale on profits, the manager can simply multiply the increase in units sold by the unit contribution margin. The result will be expressed as increase in profits. To illustrate it suppose company is currently selling 400 units and plans to sell 425 units in near future, the anticipated impact on profits can be calculated as follows:

Increased number of units to be sold 25

Contribution margin per unit ×100


Increase in the net operating income 2,500


To summarize these examples, if there were no sales, the company's loss would equal to its fixed expenses. Each unit that is sold reduces the loss by the amount of the unit contribution margin. Once the break even point has been reached, each additional unit sold increases the company's profit by the amount of the unit contribution margin.

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