Debt to Equity Ratio:
Debt-to-Equity ratio indicates the relationship between the external equities or outsiders funds and the internal equities or shareholders funds.It is also known as external internal equity ratio. It is determined to ascertain soundness of the long term financial policies of the company.
Formula of Debt to Equity Ratio:
Following formula is used to calculate debt to equity ratio
Equity Ratio = External Equities / Internal Equities]
funds / Shareholders funds]
As a long term financial ratio it may be calculated as follows:
[Total Long
Term Debts / Total Long Term Funds]
[Total Long
Term Debts / Shareholders Funds]
The two basic components of debt to equity ratio are outsiders funds i.e. external equities and share holders funds, i.e., internal equities. The outsiders funds include all debts / liabilities to outsiders, whether long term or short term or whether in the form of debentures, bonds, mortgages or bills. The shareholders funds consist of equity share capital, preference share capital, capital reserves, revenue reserves, and reserves representing accumulated profits and surpluses like reserves for contingencies, sinking funds, etc. The accumulated losses and deferred expenses, if any, should be deducted from the total to find out shareholder's fundsSome writers are of the view that current liabilities do not reflect long term commitments and they should be excluded from outsider's funds. There are some other writers who suggest that current liabilities should also be included in the outsider's funds to calculate debt equity ratio for the reason that like long term borrowings, current liabilities also represents firm's obligations to outsiders and they are an important determinant of risk. However, we advise that to calculate debt equity ratio current liabilities should be included in outsider's funds. The ratio calculated on the basis outsider's funds excluding liabilities may be termed as ratio of long-term debt to share holders funds.
From the following figures calculate debt to equity ratio:
Equity share capital Capital reserve Profit and loss account 6% debentures Sundry creditors Bills payable Provision for taxation Outstanding creditors |
500,000 200,000 500,000 240,000 120,000 180,000 160,000 |
Required: Calculate debt
to equity ratio.
External Equities / Internal
= 1,200,000 / 18,000,000
= 0.66 or 4 : 6
It means that for every four dollars worth of the creditors investment the
shareholders have invested six dollars. That is external debts are equal to
0.66% of shareholders funds.
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